It’s always been my intention to write a post about what a great site Dreams of Spanking is. It’s one of my favorites. This week, however, Pandora Blake announced distressing news about her site: she’s been contacted by ATVOD, the authority which enforces the UK’s new censorship laws. The site’s future is unclear. Her blog post on the subject ends with:
“We are living in interesting times. If you haven’t yet joined the site, do it now, while you still can – time is running out, and legal fees are expensive.”
I’m not going to spend too much time talking about what ATVOD is here. I’ve already done a lot of that on my personal blog. If you don’t know anything about the situation, you can learn more about it here and here.
What I am going to do instead, is give a brief review of Dreams of Spanking. I’ll eventually be doing full, site tour style reviews, but for now, I want to share what the site is like and what it offers. Like Pandora said, now is really the ideal time to join the site, especially if you’ve never done so before.
Joining Dreams of Spanking for a month costs £20, which comes out to a little less than $30 US. It’s easy to sign up with a credit/debit card, but Pandora also offers alternative forms of payment in the off chance that you don’t have a credit card, such as direct bank transfer.
Dreams of Spanking is organized differently than many other sites. Anyone can signup for a free account. Once you’ve done that, you can then upgrade your account, the equivalent action to joining another site’s membership area. Until you upgrade, you can see a few previews for each scene. Once you do, both streaming and downloading are unlocked for all the videos.
Dreams of Spanking is a fairly young site compared to some, but it has a strong catalog of content. At present, Dreams offers:
- 97 M/F spanking scenes
- 82 F/F spanking scenes
- 44 F/M spanking scenes
- 24 M/M spanking scenes
- 23 Solo female scenes (strip teases, self spanking, POV et cetera)
- 11 Solo male scenes (strip teases, self spanking, POV et cetera)
Admittedly, not everyone wants to watch scenes from every pairing. The “Keywords” function on the site makes it very easy to filter out the types of scenes that you’re looking for. In fact, based on the sites that I have experience using, Dreams of Spanking is the easiest one on which to find scenes that include a particular element that you enjoy in your videos.
You can use the “Keywords” function to sort the scenes by Implement, Atmosphere (such as edgy, erotic, severe or playful), Performer (this includes both bottoms and Tops, which is something that I personally find very helpful), Genre (Domestic, Institutional, Dominance/submission, Historical, School, Medical et cetera), Details (Mouth Soaping, Corner Time, Nude Spankee, Thigh Spanking, White Cotton Knickers, just to name a few) and Orientation (M/F, F/F, M/M, F/M et cetera).

(That’s just a sample. The whole list is too big to fit in one screenshot.)
There’s also a visual way of viewing all the scenes, in case you want to see what catches your eye. While the “Keywords” search function is best for looking for something specific, this “All Scenes” method of viewing the content allows you to browse with ease and see what catches your eye:

Each scene is clickable, and brings you to that particular item.
Streaming is quick to load and the camera quality is very good.
Unlike most spanking sites, Dreams of Spanking has an active and largely positive comments section, where you can often get answers to questions about the scenes you’ve watched from either Pandora or the performers in the scenes. Once in a while it’s gotten unpleasant, but in general, the people who comment create a comfortable community for people to talk about their interests, which is something that I applaud.
Dreams of Spanking prides itself on diversity, and for good reason. The cast of Dreams of Spanking includes men, women and people outside of the gender binary appear as both Tops and bottoms, and has a great deal of size, racial and age diversity, too. Dreams also has a mixture of performers that are familiar faces in the spanking scene (like Caroline Grey, Amelia Jane Rutherford, Christy Cutie and Erica Scott) and those who we most spankos have gotten to know primarily through Dreams of Spanking (Will Savage, Zahra Stardust, Talia Lane, to name a few). It also features a few films by models who have retired now, such as Zille Defeu and Irelynn Logeen.
There’s certainly someone who will appeal to everyone in the mix.

Pandora is a self identified “locations junkie” and finds beautiful places to set her scenes whenever she can, which makes the content on Dreams of Spanking feel more immersive, and emphasizes the feeling of fantasy which comes along with the content. She captures moments that are sometimes missed out on when shooting in a smaller space (like a punished girl heading upstairs while rubbing her bottom).

Relatedly, Dreams of Spanking has a wonderful focus on historical scenarios, using costumes and props to bring to life stories of the way Corporal Punishment was (or might have been) practiced in a different time. 43 of the scenes on Dreams of Spanking are labeled with this tag, so there’s a good assortment here, not just one or two.

I personally really enjoy age play scenes. When I first became aware of Dreams of Spanking, this wasn’t the kind of content that I associated with the site. Admittedly, there are “only” sixteen scenes tagged with “age play” but they’re all scenes that I really enjoyed. They explore different aspects of this dynamic, such as intentional, explicit age regression in a couple scene, darker fantasies that came directly from the models who performed in them (including one from me and one from Pandora) and sweet, innocent little girl/little boy type play.

In quite a different department than the last that was just discussed, Dreams of Spanking includes a handful of scenes that incorporate explicit sex along with spanking. This is something which is often debated: some people complain that there isn’t enough of it in the spanking world, while others feel uncomfortable whenever it shows up.
Dreams strikes a good balance here, only showing this sort of content once in a while and making it visually beautiful when it does show up. Part of the site’s mission statement mentions that all sexual activity which happens on camera is genuine: Pandora never scripts this or requires it of a performer. The “dirtier” scenes are very hot to watch, and it’s made much hotter when you know that everyone’s reactions are truly real.
Some of these scenes include traditional intercourse, others oral sex, anal play or masturbation. Included among this selection is “Instructed,” the film for which Pandora recently received the “Best BDSM Film” prize at the Feminist Porn Awards for 2015.

While the majority of the scenes on Dreams of Spanking focus on corporal punishment scenarios, there’s a great selection of scenes with very hot, BDSM themes, too.

Because of the aforementioned keyword system, it’s easy to find videos that include your favorite disciplinary “extras,” like butt plugs, fully nude spankees, mouth soaping, corner time, hand punishment or spanking on the backs of the thighs. These are things that can be hard to find in videos, not because they aren’t done, but because it’s hard to track down the films that include the elements that you’re looking for. Dreams of Spanking makes this super easy.

Really, I could go on all day about this site. There are whole other areas that I haven’t even touched on, like the very authentic school punishments for both boys and girls, or the scenes including jodhpurs, which have quickly become a big kink of mine, or how enjoyable it is to watch the behind the scenes sections and see what it was like to film the video you just watched. But I have to stop somewhere, and it comes down to this: it’s a great idea for you to join Dreams of Spanking and have access to all this magnificent content (while it’s available).