This film update at NORTHERN SPANKING features Ami Mercury, who has recently launched her own, very unique, website showcasing her incredible talent and even more incredible imagination! Once you’re finished enjoying our work with Ami here, head on over to AMIMERCURY.COM. I guarantee you won’t have seen anything like it!

Here are a few more of the films we made with the very talented Ami Mercury…

Ami is a charity canvasser, unfortunate enough to knock this day on Mr Kennedy’s door. He has had five similar disturbances to his peace and quiet already this week and determines that this one, the pretty young fruit girl, will pay the price for all of them. Ami, understandably disconsolate at the evident lack of commission, makes the mistake of offering to do something “very nice” for Mr Kennedy if he does sign up.
The trap is thus sprung by Ami herself, and Kennedy invites her in. Instead of acceding to her advances however, he claims to have a step-brother on the City Charities Commission and threatens to report her, and her organization, for her outrageous and clearly sexual suggestion. Of course he has no such intention of doing so but allows Ami to plead for any alternative. Which is, of course, the spanking he intended to apply to her peachy bottom all along!
After a thoroughly smacked bottom, then a taste of his belt, Ami is eventually allowed to leave, her fruit very substantially bruised, with an undertaking never to return to Mr Kennedy’s neighborhood again.

Christmas is a time for families to be together. There are exceptions though and these two sisters, Ami and Alex, appear to be one such. If the Christmas spirit is comprised of destruction and painful retribution, these two are full of it and I would not want to be around when they are opening their presents! Personally, I blame the parents…!

That’s all for now but do check out Ami’s new website: AMIMERCURY.COM