Model Feature – Ami Mercury Part 2 of 2

This film update at NORTHERN SPANKING features Ami Mercury, who has recently launched her own, very unique, website showcasing her incredible talent and even more incredible imagination! Once you’re finished enjoying our work with Ami here, head on over to AMIMERCURY.COM. I guarantee you won’t have seen anything like it!


Here are a few more of the films we made with the very talented Ami Mercury…


Ami is a charity canvasser, unfortunate enough to knock this day on Mr Kennedy’s door. He has had five similar disturbances to his peace and quiet already this week and determines that this one, the pretty young fruit girl, will pay the price for all of them. Ami, understandably disconsolate at the evident lack of commission, makes the mistake of offering to do something “very nice” for Mr Kennedy if he does sign up.

The trap is thus sprung by Ami herself, and Kennedy invites her in. Instead of acceding to her advances however, he claims to have a step-brother on the City Charities Commission and threatens to report her, and her organization, for her outrageous and clearly sexual suggestion. Of course he has no such intention of doing so but allows Ami to plead for any alternative. Which is, of course, the spanking he intended to apply to her peachy bottom all along!

After a thoroughly smacked bottom, then a taste of his belt, Ami is eventually allowed to leave, her fruit very substantially bruised, with an undertaking never to return to Mr Kennedy’s neighborhood again.


Christmas is a time for families to be together. There are exceptions though and these two sisters, Ami and Alex, appear to be one such. If the Christmas spirit is comprised of destruction and painful retribution, these two are full of it and I would not want to be around when they are opening their presents! Personally, I blame the parents…!

That’s all for now but do check out Ami’s new website: AMIMERCURY.COM

Model Feature – Ami Mercury Part 1 of 2

Today’s film update at NORTHERN SPANKING features Ami Mercury, who has recently launched her own, very unique, website showcasing her incredible talent and even more incredible imagination! Once you’re finished enjoying our work with Ami here, head on over to AMIMERCURY.COM. I guarantee you won’t have seen anything like it!

CHRISTINA’S ATTITUDE (New at Northern Spanking)

Ami Mercury plays Christina in this video: a grown up girl who continues to act like a brat to her mother, Alex Reynolds, despite being far too old to be behaving this way. Alex is a no-nonsense kind of mom, though, and she won’t tolerate Christina’s backtalk and bad attitude. Grown up or not, she pulls her daughter over her lap for a hard spanking, first over her jeans, then her panties, then finally on her bare bottom. Christina wriggles and squirms over her knee, transforming from a sullen brat to a very apologetic girl who seems quite a lot younger and less sassy than she did before the spanking began, as she pleads and apologizes.

The following two films are available to preview and purchase for individual download in our Spanking Library Store which, until December 31st, is offering a FREE VIDEO when you spend $20 or more! Many of the videos on offer are worth more than $20, ours included ($40!) – Go on, treat yourself! It is nearly Christmas after all!


Ami is forgetful. It is her principal failing and extremely frustrating to her Aunt Alex, who takes care of her. Ami gives her aunt frequent cause to discipline her, usually following Ami having forgotten something. Firstly its her PE Kit, which results in Ami getting slippered by the PE Mistress and made to do Games in her little cotton training bra and knickers. A further slippering and a smacked bottom awaits Ami at home when Aunt Alex finds out via the inevitable note home. The humiliation of having to undress mid-punishment and don the missing PE Kit should drive the message home? Not so…

A few days later, Ami hopelessly fails a very important test. A test on a subject at which she excels. Ami forgot about the test and failed to revise for it. This is quite beyond Aunt Alex and, in desperation, she seeks outside help in applying a lasting disciplinary reminder to Ami’s bottom. Down the street lives an acquaintance of Aunt Alex, one of the Senior Masters at the Boys Academy, the sister-school to the one Ami attends. The girls school does not employ corporal punishment beyond the PE Mistress slipper. Not so for the boys. Punishment is frequent and severe and usually involves a beating, which is where Senior Master Kennedy, his cane and forgetful young Ami’s bottom intersect.

Ami is given a thrashing she will never forget.


When in-home nurse Ami arrives to take care of Paul’s elderly aunt, SEVEN HOURS late, there is a nasty shock in store for her, in the shape of a very angry Mr Kennedy. When he hears that her only excuse for neglecting both her job and his bed-bound relative is that Ami was out partying, he becomes incandescent! The old lady was a schoolteacher decades earlier and retains one or two mementos, including her trusty cane.

Having had her leggings and her knickers taken down, her bottom spanked and caned hard, Ami had better take her job much more seriously in future.

Look out for Part 2 of this post with more of Ami and her films for Northern Spanking!


I’ll return to this topic in more detail when I have time but, briefly, because of the national party schedule and the way the parties work, there is a concentration of spanking models in one single place, providing us producers with an opportunity to film more diverse content without spending heavily on travel expenses. THAT’S why so many spanking films take place in hotel rooms.

A pet peeve of mine is the pretense that the hotel bedroom is a Headmaster’s study, a classroom and (I kid you not) a women’s prison! Its a hotel room; storylines that take place in hotels are hardly difficult to write! Here’s a couple of examples, on the theme of the consequences of disappointing authority figures!


IRRESPONSIBLE BEHAVIOR – Alex has taken time out to show her sister, Ava, and her friend Nuna around her college, which the girls will be attending next semester. With a busy schedule of accommodation-finding and tutor-meeting ahead of them, Alex is horrified to discover that the girls spent the previous evening touring the local bars and clubs! Hangovers notwithstanding, Alex decides that her little sister, and her friend, need a good spanking to teach them about responsibility.

IRRESPONSIBLE BEHAVIOR has just been added to our Spanking Library store, check out the preview HERE


THE FAMILY STRAP – Stephen is livid at having to leave a business meeting to fetch MacKenzie home from her school trip. The cause? Having been bullied incessantly for some time, MacKenzie finally snapped and pushed one of the bullies. Unfortunately down some stairs and all the way to hospital! Learning the details, Stephens anger cools somewhat but nevertheless, is never the answer and to reinforce the point, MacKenzie will get a spanking and a rare visit to her bottom by the family strap before they depart on the long journey home. MacKenzie will not be sitting comfortably in the car… for four hours!

(I LOVE navy blue PE Knickers!)

THE FAMILY STRAP is also a recent addition to our Spanking Library store, go check it out HERE

Model Feature: Cleo Divine 2/2

The second of a two-part feature showcasing our films with the gorgeous Cleo Divine. Cleo is the star of two recent films in our Clips4Sale Store, entitled “Careless Cleo” and “Bedtime Authority“. Cleo is one of the very few models to have appeared on all our sites!

Dance Class Discipline

DANCE CLASS DISCIPLINE – Cleo is late for her dance class one too many times. Miss Reynolds has a reputation for being a disciplinarian among the other girls and Cleo is about to discover exactly what this means! A smacked bottom over her leotard is definitely not enough of a lesson, so Miss Reynolds has the girl take it down so that she can apply her hairbrush to Cleo’s naughty bottom!

Bedtime Authority

Out today in our Clips4Sale Store

BEDTIME AUTHORITY – Having disregarded her bedtime twice in a row this week, Cleo is in serious trouble. Not just a smacked bottom before bed but a thrashing with step-daddy’s belt awaits this naughty, disobedient girl!

Careless Cleo

Out today in our Clips4Sale Store

CARELESS CLEO – Cleo forgot to turn off the tap before leaving for school this morning and flooded the bathroom! Now she finds herself having an early bedtime and a spanking to go with it. Watch as Cleo has her jammies taken down and her bottom smacked, first with Paul’s hand and then with her hairbrush.

Bully Cleo’s Wedgie Comeuppance

Cleo can be found on Spanked & Wedgied too!

BULLY CLEO’S WEDGIE COMEUPPANCE – Alex Reynolds’ younger step-sister, Julia, has been being bullied at school by a cool, popular girl: Cleo Devine. Cleo is claiming to be her friend but using it as an excuse to be mean to her. Cleo has come by to see Julia, where she was intercepted by Alex. Alex inquires about what’s been going on with Julia and Cleo insists that she is making Julia cooler by picking on her, telling her what she can and can’t wear, and more. One incident, in particular, stands out: Cleo was making fun of Julia for wearing “granny panties” and pulled them out of her jeans in a tight wedgie at school. Today, Cleo is going to learn that this behavior is not nice. Alex pulls her across her lap and lifts her skirt to expose bright pink lace panties. Alec quickly grabs them and pulls them up into a wedgie, going far up between her cheeks and even between her pussy lips, in a clearly visible pussy wedgie that is seen throughout the film.

While yanking and pulling on Cleo’s panties, Alex takes the time to also give the bratty girl a hard spanking on her exposed cheeks. Cleo is soon promising to be nicer, but Alex is not done. She makes Cleo kneel up on the sofa so she can get the wedgie higher and tighter, including the fabric that has gone between her lips, and she continues the spanking in this position. Finally, she lets Cleo extract the panties from her intimate areas where they’ve been nestled and sends her to go apologize to Julia, which Cleo goes off to do pitifully.

A Caning For Cleo

A CANING FOR CLEO – Numerous spankings have had zero effect on the most disruptive girl in the entire school. Thus it is that Cleo finds herself once more in the Headmaster’s office awaiting punishment. This time is different however. After a scorching lecture, Cleo will have her panties taken down to receive 12 strokes of the cane across her bare bottom. Cleo’s behavior will be closely watched for improvement.

Spanked & Wedgied

SPANKED AND WEDGIED has a new film out called “You’re Not Allowed To Pull Them Down“, starring Stevie Rose and her little sister Skylar. More on that below, along with a mini feature of the most popular films from this super-fun spanking niche!

You’re Not Allowed to Pull Them Down – Stevie has been left in charge of her little sister Skylar and she intends on making the most of it. The smallest misdemeanor is going to get Skylar a spanking, so not making her bed seems like an epic fail on her part and yes… Stevie has noticed! Not only does Skylar find herself over her big sister’s lap for a smacked bottom, Stevie is determined to add further humiliation. Stevie can punish Skylar but she is not, she has been told, allowed to take down Skylar’s panties to spank her bare bottom. There are ways of baring Skylar’s cute bottom without pulling her knickers down… She can pull them up… right up hard into poor Skylar’s bottom so she’s being wedgied as well as spanked! Look at the grin on Stevie’s face throughout this film as she humiliates her little sister and reddens her bottom!

Loser Gets A Wedgie – Luci and Alex made a bet: whoever’s college football team won a big game would get to tease, spank, and wedgie the loser. They’ve been making these bets for a while now, but Luci tends to be the winner. This time, however, she comes out on the bottom– and she talked a LOT of trash before and during the game. Alex is thrilled to get to have her revenge, and she makes Luci dress in an outfit supporting her team (embarrassing enough, since their teams are rivals!) and begins to take her revenge for all that trash-talking: huge wedgies, a hard spanking, and lots of laughing at her friend. It’s all in good fun, of course, but Luci will think twice before she talks trash again!

Thong Thing – Sisters Harley Havik and Alex Reynolds live with their strict step-father, Paul Kennedy. He forbids the girls from wearing thongs, stating that they are not appropriate underwear. However, when the girls get ready to go to the mall with their friend, they decide that they should wear thongs secretly in order to be able to try on clothes without panty lines. While changing out of full bottom panties, they give each other wedgies and playfully slap each others bottoms, just for fun, giggling all the while. Later, when they get home, Paul overhears them talking about how they wore thongs and insists on checking by pulling their thongs up the back of their jeans. The girls are busted! Each girl is given a hard spanking with their thongs pulled up into tight wedgies the entire time. Finally, the girls are made to hug each other while pulling one and other’s thong tight, in a wedgie hug that leaves them humiliated and promising never to wear thongs again!

Lizzy’s Cheerleader Wedgie – Cheerleader Alex Reynolds has caught her little step-sister, Lizzy McAllister, trying on her cheerleading uniform. Lizzy says she wants to try out for the team when she gets to high school next year. Absolutely not, says Alex! Lizzy is the nerdiest girl in the school. Nerdy girls in high school do NOT get to be cheerleaders. They get picked on and teased by cheerleaders! Alex gives Lizzy a quick lesson in what to expect, bending her over one raised knee and pulling her yellow granny panties tightly up into a wedgie. She dangles Lizzy like this, partially supported by her panties, while she gives her a hard spanking on her exposed cheeks. She tells her little step-sister horror stories of what to expect at school and laughs at her when she suggests that she can become cooler by getting contacts instead of her nerdy glasses in high school. This is pure and unadulterated mean girl teasing while adorable and rarely seen Lizzie is held in a tight wedgie throughout the whole video. Plus, this was Lizzie’s first time getting a real wedgie like this! One not to miss!

Schoolgirl Wedgie Spanking – Alex is Dorothy’s babysitter and a bit of a bully and she’s heard a rumor that Dorothy isn’t wearing panties at school. She confronts her about it, but Dorothy insists that it isn’t true. Alex makes her show her that she is indeed wearing panties, but doesn’t believe that she hasn’t been going without and decides to punish her for it anyway. She pulls Dorothy over her knee, lifts her little school dress and grabs those panties, pulling them tightly into her bottom. She teases and torments the poor girl while giving her hard wedgies and equally hard spanking on her bare and exposed cheeks. Poor Dorothy protests and makes a fuss but there’s nothing she can do. Alex is so much bigger than her and has a firm grip on her knickers. When Alex finally lets her up, Dorothy has to pick her wedgie out of her sore and punished butt. How humiliating!

So, if you haven’t already, do please go check out SPANKEDANDWEDGIED! It’s our newest venture, its lots of fun in an arena that often takes itself way too seriously. Nothing to get up tight about!

Coming Soon!

Model Feature: Cleo Divine 1/2

The first of a two-part feature showcasing our films with the gorgeous Cleo Divine. Cleo is the star of the current new film available to members of Northern Spanking, entitled “Disruptive Cleo“. Cleo is one of the very few models to have appeared on all our sites!

Disruptive Cleo

Cleo’s latest film, out today at Northern Spanking!

DISRUPTIVE CLEO – Schoolgirl Cleo has tried Miss Reynolds’ patience one time too many. As an old school PE Mistress Miss Reynolds has always been rumored to retain a leather paddle for unofficial application to the bottoms of naughty girls who disrupt her lessons. Cleo soon finds out that the rumors are real when Miss Reynolds drags her out of her class and into the hallway for a rather public punishment, consisting of a smacked bottom followed by the lowering of Cleo’s PE knickers and cotton panties, for Miss Reynold’s strap to do its work.

Easy Option

EASY OPTION – Cleo returns from her high school costume party to find herself in a heap of trouble. Short of a costume, Cleo borrowed her sister’s cheerleading outfit…on the day she had cheerleading practice! Paul determines that Cleo will not again borrow other’s property without asking, AND she will apologize to her sister, with a very sore spanked bottom!

Cheerleader’s get the paddle don’t they? Well this fake cheerleader is certainly going to!

Big Sister Takes Charge

BIG SISTER TAKES CHARGE – Bri Crawford is supposed to be watching her little sister, Cleo Devine. Cleo went behind Bri’s back and asked one of her friends to buy alcohol for her and her friends. The friend told Bri, and she was NOT happy to hear this. How is she supposed to be keeping her little sister, the precious angel of the family, out of trouble if she’s hitting up her friends for alcohol?!

Cleo is in big trouble this time. She is going to learn a lesson: her tight leggings are going to be pulled down, and she’s going over big sister’s lap for a hard hairbrush spanking on her bare bottom.

Helping Her Career

HELPING HER CAREER – Nurse Cleo has failed to gain the promotion she wanted at work. She’s good at what she does but seems to lack focus. Paul believes he can help her with that, by restoring some domestic discipline to their routine, starting with a good spanking for Cleo and a thrashing with his belt.

Not How A Big Girl Acts

Cleo has appeared in a number of Spanked & Diapered films

NOT HOW A BIG GIRL ACTS – Mommy Alex Reynolds comes in to check on Cleo, who was supposed to be packing up after their vacation. Cleo is instead lounging on the bed playing games. Alex is disappointed in this behavior but is especially upset when Cleo tells her that she likes it better when Alex does jobs like this for her, then throws a small tantrum when her step-mommy insists that she is big enough to do it herself.

Throwing fits and complaining about chores are not how a big girl acts in this household, so Alex has just the way to teach her naughty little one a lesson. First, Cleo goes over her lap for a hard spanking on her cute panties, and then on her bare bottom. Then, Mommy orders Cleo to lay down on the bed. It’s time for diaper discipline. Act like a baby, lose your big girl privileges!

Alex powders Cleo and then tapes her into a My Diaper diaper. She makes sure all the edges are tucked in: Cleo is going to wear her diaper on the airplane home as a reminder of what it’s like to be a little girl, since she wasn’t interested in behaving like a big girl!

Cleo gets little immediately when she’s diapered, playing with the hem of her dress in a way that’s adorable and authentic. When she’s all padded up, Mommy snuggles up with her to help calm her down and take care of her.

Summer Camp

What to do with the kids in the long summer holidays? Its a particularly American idea to pack off the little darlings to summer camp and make them someone else’s problem for a few weeks! There arises, of course, the question of discipline and how, and how severely, to punish these young girls when they are inevitably naughty and break the rules? We made two films based on this theme, the latest only recently released at Northern Spanking, is custom with a very specific request!


The camp in “Camp Rules” seems much more laid back, initially at least, compared to the rigid uniform requirements and threatened beatings at the earlier establishment in “Summer Camp Caning“. Curious that they have the same Director(!), who turns out not to be so very different in the latest than in the first!

Camp Rules

Starring: Alex Reynolds, Maddy Marks and Cherry Blossom.

At Summer Camp, Alex, Cherry and Maddy have made a huge mistake. Leaving the campus without telling anybody where they were going (not allowed), then bringing back alcohol (VERY not allowed!). They are of course swiftly detected by the deceptively kindly Camp Director.

Pleading with Director Kennedy not to be sent home, he suggests a shocking alternative… corporal punishment! The girls discuss this option in the restroom. Maddy has never been spanked and doesn’t want to be. Punishment in this way is not new to Alex and is a regular consequence of Cherry’s misbehavior at home. The consensus is that they will a) accept Director Kennedy’s offer, b) enjoy the remainder of the summer at the camp, (observing the rules closely!) and c) not have to be sent home with painful consequences for Cherry and Alex.

All three girls have their bottoms smacked. Maddie, never having been spanked, is the last to receive her punishment, watching how Cherry and Alex react to being smacked surprisingly hard by the Camp Director. Kennedy is seemingly full of surprises and proceeds to produce a wooden paddle to complete to miscreant trio’s punishment.

Of course the girls reconvene in the restroom to compare experiences and red, sore bottoms.

This was a custom film, hence the restroom sequences in which you can hear the girls peeing – yes, for real! There’s also some very particular dialogue that our (delighted!) customer requested. Its a long film so I’ve not re-edited it to make it more “normal”, so I hope you enjoy something a little different!

Summer Camp Caning

Starring: Alex Reynolds, Maddy Marks, Harley Havik and Linny Lace

Alex, Maddy, Harley & Linny find themselves abandoned by their parents to a Summer camp, (a feature of growing up in America so I’m told!) and one with a very strict disciplinary policy. Having skipped off for the afternoon and gotten lost in the woods, the girls must now face an angry Camp Director…. and his cane!

One by one the girls are lectured, bent over and smacked hard across their white cotton panties, followed by a 12 stroke caning that leaves their bottoms striped and very, very sore.

Camp Rules” is available of course to members of Northern Spanking. For those preferring individual download, please visit our Spanking Library Store.

Summer Camp Caning” is available to Northern Spanking members of course, and also as an individual download in our Clips4Sale Store. There are two versions; the ORIGINAL VERSION as originally released and a DIRECTOR’S CUT, which I heavily re-edited to use much more of the wonderful close-up footage we managed to film!

Discipline – Five

Northern Spanking only made two film serials; the “Borstal” series (which remains incomplete) and the subject of this feature, the “Discipline” series.

Discipline 5

Five films, all featuring Harley Havik as a college girl and Apricot Pitts as her young tutor. Apricot quickly senses Harley’s need for discipline and satisfies it by spanking Harley, strapping her and even caning her bare bottom. The punishments have a startlingly arousing effect on Harley, also anticipated by Apricot, and satisfied at length in Apricot’s bedroom.

The “Discipline” series is now available all together in one compilation for the first time, in our Clips4Sale store HERE. Very keenly priced compared to separate purchase, the compilation runs 134 minutes with five films. This is a preview of the last film in the series, which as of yet remains UNRELEASED on Clips4Sale, so its only currently available on the “Discipline” compilation and to members of Northern Spanking. And the final film is…

Discipline Still Required


We conclude the story of Professor Jane Carson (played by Apricot Pitts) and her favorite student, Harley Havik. Although Harley has graduated college now, her very close relationship with Jane remains an important part of her life. When Harley gets into a fight with her mother over their summer vacation plans, she comes over to Jane’s house to seek advice.

Upon arrival, Harley and Jane kiss and enjoy a tender moment, and then Harley goes directly over Jane’s knee. Jane starts spanking her former student with a leather paddle right away, knowing that this is what Harley needs. After a minute or so, she stops to ask Harley to tell her more about what happened and why she deserves a spanking. Harley explains that her mother wants to take her on vacation for two weeks but that she does not want to go so that she can spend time with her new boyfriend. She admits to having cursed at her mother while she was upset.

Jane is not impressed, and she begins to spank Harley much harder while scolding her about respecting her mother and not being selfish. Harley is obviously regretful, whimpering and whining while she receives a long, hard spanking. Despite the punitive nature of the spanking, Harley can’t help but let her legs open more and more throughout the punishment.

Jane decides that Harley requires further punishment, so she makes her bend over the arm of the sofa with her head down low by the ground and her bottom high and on display. She then gives the sorry girl eighteen strokes of the cane in this position.

Harley is apologetic and obviously well punished, but she is still hungry for some affection from Jane. She tries to kiss her former teacher, but Jane scolds her again and tells her that this time, she has to go home and apologize. The special attention that Harley desires is only for good girls.

I hope you enjoyed these posts and (I think!) wonderful images from this fantastic series of films, featuring two beautiful women on a journey of discipline and discovery!

Schoolgirl Cherry

Now available in our Clips4Sale Store, the high quality 1080HD version of “Forgery“, starring Cherry Blossom and Alex Reynolds. This is all the excuse I need for a mini feature on this gorgeous young redhead in the role of schoolgirl.

Having been called to the school to fetch Cherry for the “doctor’s appointment” contained in the note presented by Cherry, that Alex most certainly did not write, its time for a reckoning when she gets the sorry girl home. And Cherry is indeed a very sorry, very sore little girl indeed, once Alex has finished applying her hairbrush to Cherry’s bottom.

Cherry also appeared on Spanked & Diapered as a schoolgirl punished and humiliated…. There’s a PREVIEW HERE and PPV DOWNLOAD HERE

Miss Elizabeth gets a call from her step-daughter, Cherry’s school. Cherry has a bad habit of wetting herself— not for any medical reason, but because she’s too lazy and distractible to get up and go to the bathroom! The school called to say that Cherry was caught taking off her required pull-up and throwing it out. Cherry overhears this conversation and quickly tries to wiggle into an all white, padded pull-up before her step-mom comes back. She can’t fool her step-mom, though, and she ends up over her knee, getting a hard spanking over her pull-up for lying and disobeying at school. Cherry is even more upset when her step-mom pulls down her pull-up to bare her bottom, spanking her even harder now. But Cherry’s punishment is just beginning— since Cherry is acting like a baby, she’s going to be treated like one. Her step-mom diapers her in a My Diaper diaper while humiliating her about how naughty and babyish her behavior has been. Cherry is blushing in a way that can’t be faked— she’s clearly very embarrassed! She promises her step-mom she won’t wet her pants, but is told she’s going to be diapered daily until she proves she can stay dry.

VIOLENCE IS NOT THE ANSWER” was one of our first films with Cherry to be released, and is from the first shoot with her. And yes, the tongue-in-cheek title was mine and I was not to be dissuaded from it… except for PPV SALES! Doesn’t she look delightful in her authentic British PE Kit with cane stripes decorating her bottom?

Cherry finds herself in the Headmaster’s office, about to be only the second girl to be caned this term. Sent straight from the Hockey field, where her response to an unfair tackle was rather more violent than was appropriate, Cherry is about to learn the hard way that violence in school will not be tolerated (sic)

F BOMB” was I think the first Northern Spanking film to feature mouthsoaping! In addition to a very sore bottom, Miss Elizabeth’s punishment leaves a (very) bad taste in Cherry’s mouth!

When Schoolgirl Cherry arrives home she is greeted by a furious Elizabeth, who has just received yet another call from Cherry’s school about her use of foul and inappropriate language. Cherry is of course going for a trip across Elizabeth’s knee for a spanking, but there is another, perhaps more fitting punishment to follow. This involves the introduction of a bar of soap to Cherry’s foul mouth!

There are of course more films with Cherry in other roles, including a number of unreleased ones! We do hope to be able to work with her again. In the meantime, here’s a taster of something coming soon….

Nothing to get up-tight about…

Summer Spankings

Summer is the theme of the film releases at Northern Spanking. The full version of “Camp Rules” to come in a few days, but today we get to see Alex Reynolds and Adriana Evans in “Floaties“.

FLOATIES: Alex and Adriana were enjoying summer, until it dawned on them that their dad was not going to let them go to the hotel pool unaccompanied without their floaties, which he is dutifully inflating while the girls change into their swimsuits.

The tantrum that follows is pretty epic but, concerned for the girls’ safety, Paul is not giving any ground… Alex and Adriana WILL wear their floaties and, as they both decided to be rude and disrespectful while being spanked, Paul tells them to take off their swimsuits. Two naked girls then get a well-deserved good hiding with their dad’s belt across their bottoms!

A very traditional film, with two naughty girls given a good hiding by their dad for throwing a tantrum. I love to use the belt, it feels very authentic, as does this film. This was actually filmed EIGHT YEARS AGO!, which gives you an idea of the unreleased gems we have in our treasure house! Its a rarity as its very unusual for us to have the spankee fully nude and, I *think*, its the ONLY Northern Spanking film with girls in swimsuits not bikinis!

And this is the end! Watch out for a feature on “Camp Rules” in the next few days.